Neurofeedback & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Train your Brain for Optimal Health & Performance! Neurofeedback is able to help children, teenagers, and adults who struggle with symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Individuals with ASD may have issues with emotional sensitivities, behavior dysregulation, and trouble reading social skills. The neurofeedback perspective demonstrates these symptoms as a dysregulated brain that can be corrected with brain training.
The dysregulation model of neurofeedback illustrates that the brain may have inconsistent performances, inability to calm down at the appropriate moments, and have difficulty transitioning between tasks. Individuals may shut down in some situations and find they cannot regulate in others. The destabilized brain may function at 60 mph and then fall to zero mph. This leads to inconsistent and uncomfortable behaviors.
Neurofeedback May Help with many symptoms of Autism:
Neurofeedback Treatment
Neurofeedback can provide relief and regulation for many Autism related symptoms. Neurofeedback also provides relief and stabilization for other issues such as Trauma, PTSD, Anxiety and ADHD.
Does your child Struggle to make it Trough their day?
You can help them by providing a neurofeedback treatment that will help to regulate your child’s brain.