William Kelly

William Kelly

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

License No: LCSW86426

  • Young Adults 18-25
  • Adults 26+
  • Men's Issues
  • Military Culture/Veterans
  • English

I’m Will Kelly, and I’m on a path of servitude to fellow Men…Brothers…Fathers…Kings. I have a strong desire to usher men into themselves and learn to embrace the Strength within Vulnerability. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) dedicated to cultivating intimate spaces for Men to fully BE and acknowledge their truths without shame or judgment.

As a whole, we Men have NO guidance on how to connect with our thoughts and emotions and how to communicate them to others. We have been emasculated in many ways through various sources and we are often lost in our minds to which we have no connection. 

I represent the part of you who observes without judgment and delivers knowledge and as a King, you take this knowledge and govern your Inner Kingdom with divine order and blessing.  Your Inner Warrior will act swiftly under this order with clarity to protect the little boy within who is connected to the pleasure, joy, and playful opportunities this life has to offer…and what he has to offer this life.